Friday 14 December 2012


In 1960, Yogiji Maharaj was on a satsang tour of Zambia. On 31 March he left Lusaka for Brokenhill. On the way they came across a barrier of barrels and a signboard saying, “Road closed ahead.” Rajnibhai, the driver, removed the barrels and drove ahead.
When Yogiji Maharaj enquired why he was going ahead despite the signboard, Rajnibhai replied, “Bapa! Many times the roads in Africa are functioning and still one finds such signboards.” Swamishri remained quiet. After a while they arrived at a point where the road was broken. There was no way they could turn around because the road was narrow and high above ground level. The only option left was to reverse the car all the way back. When Rajnibhai reversed his car, Yogiji Maharaj grasped the situation. He raised his hand and said, “One-way!” Roads closed. Likewise, Akshardham is also one-way. For one who sees another’s faults the roads are closed. One should never engage oneself in fault-finding. Always see the tread the path of virtue.”
Yogiji Maharaj plainly but effectively conveyed that by seeing another’s faults one regresses.
Yogiji Maharaj often said, “For 50 years I have been in satsang. Never in any devotee – however ordinary or incapable he may be – have I taken his faults. Whatever his nature, even if he is hostile to me, I have not felt ill-will for him.”
Not seeing another’s faults is a fundamental propagated by the holy Sadhu. To see and harp upon another’s faults are like taking poison. A true devotee never looks at another’s faults. 

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